
Florida / United States
Marcus Howard / CEO - LinkedIn: Link

Has 15 consecutive years of strategic/tactical experience building startups in various industries, including gaming and news media. Specializes in identifying exponential growth opportunities and converging trends in consumer markets. Excels at executing blue ocean business strategies. Growth Hacker. Innovator. Techie. Leader. Based in Florida, United States.
Vitali "Showrunner" Kirpu CTO - LinkedIn: Link

An objective-driven innovator specialized in crafting experimental software, embracing challenges, and pushing boundaries. With over two decades of experience in software development. Determined to create an MDP dataset collection capable of preventing future conflicts, no matter the cost. Known as Showrunner. Based in Finland.
Joonas "Jimmy" Virtanen CMO

With a decade of experience of immersing himself in computer games and nerding out about technology in the basement, Jimmy impressed us with his potential. We hired him on the spot to oversee our marketing activities. Despite having no prior marketing experience, he's determined to generate 100 000 IAH Steam wishlists before the game is released commercially. Based in Varissuo (Finland).